mena doing my hair

mena doing my hair

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


A City Council in a large urban area wants to help increase safety in their community.The Council is considering two options but wants to choose one that will be more effective.One option is to create a large police station and increase current police patrols of known problematic areas.The other option is to fund high school educational programs that highlight the importance og being responsibe citizen and develop a community watch them of civlians that will patrol the neighborhood.

I am writing you a letter about high school educational programs because I think that all kids that dont do what they suppose to in school should go to a program so they can learn why they are here and what kind of grades they got.I think that it will benfit them in a good ways cause they need the teaches to talk to them and let them know how they are doing in school.

Another reason is that they can make up all they classes that they had failed through the year.The kids will look farward to be seeing a school educational program this year.They can learn more about anything they want and its three hours.I think that if yall would put the program in the school that kids that need the help would go because they need the help and they want to move on to the neext level and become a better person in they life.

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